Wednesday, September 27, 2006

My favorite cereal

Ok, I love frosted mini-wheats. This includes off-brand substitutions and flavored varieties. For example, the last few mornings I have started my day with a bowl of maple and brown sugar flavored frosted shredded wheat. Yummy.

Monday, September 25, 2006

my violin

Ok, so I confess, I have played the violin for since I was in 5th grade. But, to be honest, I stink. The violin is not like learning to ride a bike, where you retain that skill. With the violin, if you have not played in a few years, like myself, you get steadily and noticeably worse. And, bad violin playing is among the most painful experiences in this life.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Why I want to be an Environmental Geologist

This starts out with my love for science, which I have had since before kindergarten. The geology thing started at a college I attended previously. It was a field-based intro class, meaning that we had a 4-hour field trip every week, to locations a-plenty that were rife with geologic wonder. My decision to go the environmental route is based on two factors, one more idealistic than the other. The first is that I have seen firsthand in my hometown the roller-coaster affect in the oil/gas industry and what it can do to lots of people. The second, more idealistic reason, is that I believe I can do good for people in a direct manner, as opposed to increasing the wealth of already wealthy and humongous companies. I know this is a gross oversimplification, but it summarizes my feelings.

Monday, September 18, 2006

My superpower...

I think the coolest super-power in the world would be chameleon power. I could look like anybody, with any clothing. I could look like Kellen and offend all his peeps and ruin his life. That alone would make this superpower amazing.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Today I a-ha'd when I learned how to make a picture pop up text when you mouse over it. I think those are pretty handy. I want to know how to adjust the spacing between lines.

I love lots of cheese and all kinds of meats on my pizza.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Actually, I read once that...

One aspect of my character that gets me into trouble, or even just awkward situations, is my willingness to argue any point. I view any conversation topic as open for debate. I hold myself to this standard, and do not get offended when someone disagrees with a point I have made. I forget, though, that often someone makes a comment or statement for conversation's sake only, and does not really want to get into whether their comment is correct or not. The usual result is that I come across as argumentative. I honestly feel that I do this, most of the time, because I want a two-sided debate to get to the bottom of the issue, not because I want a fight. Oh well. One exception is that I won't debate politics, I feel that topic is so founded in opion that I can never prove myself right, er, I mean, base a debate on facts recognized by both parties.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Worst Movie Ever

Ok, so to be honest, my brain is pretty good at blocking out painful memories, so I'm sure I have seen horrible movies that my brain is protecting me from by just not letting me remember. One of the ones I do remember is "Nacho Libre". While it actually had a plot, it was just stupid. I'm sure that you can think of worse movies than this.
Today I had an "a-ha" when I figured out how to remove a hyperlink without removing the text/picture acting as the link. I feel kind of silly, because you just click "remove link". I am wondering how to add a pop-up tip, so that if I have a page with a bunch of photos you can hover the mouse over the photo to see the caption or whatever. I think that those pop-up things are pretty useful.

Friday, September 08, 2006

My Favorite Vacation Spot

Today I had an "a-ha" when I learned how easy it is in design mode to start making a website. The computer makes the code for you! It's easy! I haven't figured out how to make a hyper-link not a hyper-link, or even to delete it.

My favorite vacation spot, that I have been to, is a little ranch in western Colorado on the flanks of Ragged Mountain. The fishing is great, the scenery is incredible, and there are lots of new trails to explore. That, and many good memories, make this my favorite vacation spot.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My Favorite Color, writing assignment for Sept 6th

My favorite color is green.